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Celebrity Travel Must-Haves: Essential or Extra?

By Fashion, Models, TravelNo Comments

As much as we like to think we’re unique in all aspects, we do look to celebrities for inspiration from time to time. What are they wearing, what diet are they doing, where are they traveling and what hotels are they staying at. In this article, we’re going to pull a few celebrities travels must-haves and weigh in on whether we think they’re essential or just a tad extra.

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Ajak Deng’s trip to Jamaica

By Interviews, Models, TravelNo Comments

Nowhere else in the Caribbean is the connection to Africa as keenly felt as it is in Jamaica. Kingston was the major nexus in the New World for the barbaric triangular trade that brought slaves from Africa and carried sugar and rum to Europe, and the Maroons (runaways who took to the hills of Cockpit Country and the Blue Mountains) safeguarded many of the African traditions – and introduced jerk seasoning to Jamaica’s singular cuisine.

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